proc ds2; package math / overwrite = yes; method radians(double angle) returns double; return angle * constant('PI') / 180; end; method rational(double x, double maxden, in_out integer p, in_out integer q) returns double; /* ** FROM: ** FROM: ** ** find rational approximation to given real number ** David Eppstein / UC Irvine / 8 Aug 1993 ** ** With corrections from Arno Formella, May 2008 ** ** Modified for Proc DS2, Richard DeVenezia, Jan 2020. ** ** usage: rational(r,d,p,q) ** x is real number to approx ** maxden is the maximum denominator allowed ** p is return for numerator ** q is return for denominator ** returns 0 if no problems ** ** based on the theory of continued fractions ** if x = a1 + 1/(a2 + 1/(a3 + 1/(a4 + ...))) ** then best approximation is found by truncating this series ** (with some adjustments in the last term). ** ** Note the fraction can be recovered as the first column of the matrix ** ( a1 1 ) ( a2 1 ) ( a3 1 ) ... ** ( 1 0 ) ( 1 0 ) ( 1 0 ) ** Instead of keeping the sequence of continued fraction terms, ** we just keep the last partial product of these matrices. */ declare integer m[0:1,0:1]; declare double startx e1 e2; declare integer ai t result p1 q1 p2 q2; startx = x; /* initialize matrix */ m[0,0] = 1; m[1,1] = 1; m[0,1] = 0; m[1,0] = 0; /* loop finding terms until denom gets too big */ do while (1); ai = x; if not ( m[1,0] * ai + m[1,1] < maxden ) then leave; t = m[0,0] * ai + m[0,1]; m[0,1] = m[0,0]; m[0,0] = t; t = m[1,0] * ai + m[1,1]; m[1,1] = m[1,0]; m[1,0] = t; if x = ai then leave; %* AF: division by zero; x = 1 / (x - ai); if x > 2147483647 /*x'7FFFFFFF'*/ then leave; %* AF: representation failure; end; /* now remaining x is between 0 and 1/ai */ /* approx as either 0 or 1/m where m is max that will fit in maxden */ /* first try zero */ p1 = m[0,0]; q1 = m[1,0]; e1 = startx - 1.0 * p1 / q1; /* now try other possibility */ ai = (maxden - m[1,1]) / m[1,0]; m[0,0] = m[0,0] * ai + m[0,1]; m[1,0] = m[1,0] * ai + m[1,1]; p2 = m[0,0]; q2 = m[1,0]; e2 = startx - 1.0 * p2 / q2; if abs(e1) <= abs(e2) then do; p = p1; q = q1; end; else do; p = p2; q = q2; end; return 0; end; endpackage; run; package pen / overwrite = yes; declare private int down; declare private varchar(20) pencolor; declare private varchar(20) fillcolor; declare private int size; method up(); down = 0; end; method down(); down = 1; end; method isDown() returns int; return down; end; method isUp() returns int; return not down; end; method color() returns varchar(20); return pencolor; end; method color(char(8) color); pencolor = color; end; method size() returns int; return size; end; method size(int newsize); size = newsize; end; endpackage; run; package canvas / overwrite=yes; declare private int xpixels ypixels; declare private varchar(41) statements_table; declare private varchar(300) path; declare private varchar(300) filename; declare private varchar(41) annoname; declare private package pen pen; declare package sqlstmt q; declare varchar(1000) s; method canvas( varchar(41) statements_table, varchar(300) path, varchar(300) filename ); canvas(1200, 675, statements_table, path, filename); * 16:9; end; method canvas( int xpixels, int ypixels, varchar(41) statements_table, varchar(300) path, varchar(300) filename ); declare varchar(41) annoname; annoname = translate(filename,'__',' .'); canvas (xpixels, ypixels, statements_table, annoname, path, filename); end; method canvas( int xpixels, int ypixels, varchar(41) statements_table, varchar(41) annoname, varchar(300) path, varchar(300) filename ); this.statements_table = statements_table; this.annoname = annoname; this.path = path; this.filename = translate(filename,'_','.'); this.xpixels = xpixels; this.ypixels = ypixels; q = _new_ sqlstmt('insert into ' || statements_table || ' values (?)', [s]); s = 'data ' || annoname || '; %sgvardcl; keep drawspace;'; q.execute(); s = 'drawspace=''graphpixel'';'; q.execute(); end; method translate(in_out double x, in_out double y); %* map turtle canvas x,y to pixel image x,y; %* 0,0 is center of canvas; %* 0,0 is bottom left of pixel image; x + xpixels / 2; y + ypixels / 2; end; method rgb_to_color(int r, int g, int b) returns char(8); return 'CX' || put(mod(r,256),HEX2.) || put(mod(g,256),HEX2.) || put(mod(b,256),HEX2.); end; method setpen(package pen pen); this.pen = pen; end; method line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2); if pen.isUp() then return; translate (x1,y1); translate (x2,y2); s = '%sgline(x1='||round(x1)|| ',y1='||round(y1)|| ',x2='||round(x2)|| ',y2='||round(y2)|| ',linecolor='''||pen.color()||''''|| ',linethickness='||pen.size()|| ');'; q.execute(); end; method arc(double xc, double yc, double radius, double heading, double extent,int steps); declare double x1 y1 x2 y2; declare double p1 q1 p2 q2; declare double arcstep; s = 'note="Arc-start"; keep note;output;'; q.execute(); x1 = xc + radius * cos (heading * constant('pi') / 180); y1 = yc + radius * sin (heading * constant('pi') / 180); p1 = x1; q1 = y1; translate (p1,q1); if radius < 0 then extent = -extent; if steps = 0 then steps = abs(extent / 2); arcstep = extent / steps; do heading = heading + arcstep to heading + extent by arcstep; x2 = xc + radius * cos (heading * constant('pi') / 180); y2 = yc + radius * sin (heading * constant('pi') / 180); p2 = x2; q2 = y2; translate (p2, q2); s = '%sgline(x1='||round(p1)|| ',y1='||round(q1)|| ',x2='||round(p2)|| ',y2='||round(q2)|| ',linecolor='''||pen.color()||''''|| ',linethickness='||pen.size()|| ');'; q.execute(); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; p1 = p2; q1 = q2; end; s = 'note="Arc-end";output;'; q.execute(); end; method filename() returns varchar(300); return filename; end; method write(double x, double y, varchar(200) text, varchar(400) options); declare double w; if pen.isUp() then return; translate (x,y); s = '%sgtext (x1='||round(x) || ',y1='||round(y) || ',label='||quote(text) || ',width='||xpixels || ',widthunit="pixel"' || ifc(length(options), ','||options, '') || ');'; q.execute(); end; method close(); s = '%fdelete('||path||'/'||filename||'.png)'; q.execute(); s = 'ods listing gpath=' || quote(path) || ';'; q.execute(); s = 'ods graphics /' || ' outputfmt=png' || ' imagename="' || filename || '"' || ' reset=index' || ' width=' ||round(xpixels)||'px' || ' height='||round(ypixels)||'px' || ';' ; q.execute(); s = 'proc sgrender sganno='||annoname||' template=DS2GTI;run;'; q.execute(); q.delete(); end; endpackage; run; package turtle / overwrite=yes; declare private double x y heading; declare private package canvas canvas; declare private package math math(); declare private package pen pen; forward home; method turtle(package canvas canvas); this.canvas = canvas; pen = _new_ pen(); canvas.setpen(pen); pen.up(); home(); end; method log(); put 'NOTE:' x= y= heading=; end; method advance(double distance); declare double xnew ynew; *put 'NOTE: advance ' distance=; xnew = x + distance * cos(math.radians(heading)); ynew = y + distance * sin(math.radians(heading)); canvas.line(x,y,xnew,ynew); x = xnew; y = ynew; end; method retreat(double distance); advance (-distance); end; method right(double angle); heading = mod (heading - angle, 360); end; method left(double angle); heading = mod (heading + angle, 360); end; method setxy(double xnew, double ynew); canvas.line(x,y,xnew,ynew); x = xnew; y = ynew; end; method setx(double xnew); canvas.line(x,y,xnew,y); x = xnew; end; method sety(double ynew); canvas.line(x,y,x,ynew); y = ynew; end; method getx() returns double; return x; end; method gety() returns double; return y; end; method heading(double heading); this.heading = heading; end; method heading() returns double; return heading; end; method home(); x = 0; y = 0; heading = 0; end; method arc(double radius, double extent, int steps); %* radius > 0, center of arc is on heading left normal - arc direction is counter clockwise; %* radius < 0, center of arc is on heading right normal - arc direction is clockwise; %* how much of the arc to draw; %* steps, not used; %* turtle heading is tangent to arc to be drawn; declare double xc yc; xc = x + radius * cos(math.radians(heading + 90)); %* +90, left normal; yc = y + radius * sin(math.radians(heading + 90)); canvas.arc(xc,yc,radius,heading-90,extent,steps); x = xc + radius * cos(math.radians(heading + extent - 90)); y = yc + radius * sin(math.radians(heading + extent - 90)); heading = mod (heading + extent, 360); end; method dot(); end; method down(); pen.down(); end; method up(); pen.up(); end; method color(char(8) color); pen.color(color); end; method size(double size); pen.size(size); end; method size() returns double; return pen.size(); end; method write(varchar(200) text, varchar(400) options); canvas.write(x,y,text,options); end; endpackage; run; quit;